



In Colombia, under the guidance of Maestro Venegas, a renowned plastic artist, I have had the invaluable opportunity to immerse myself in sacred art—a field that intertwines tradition, spirituality, and artistic technique. Thanks to his mentorship and his focus on the intricate details that make this type of art unique, I have been fortunate to become part of a highly dedicated artistic team. Together, we have worked on creating pieces specifically designed for churches in various municipalities across the country, contributing to the enrichment of their cultural heritage and conveying messages that deeply resonate within their communities.

Check out my sacred art portfolio at the following link.






Here you can find a catalog of artworks that I currently have for sale. To request a purchase, please email me at expofotogeo@gmail.com with the subject 'Purchase Request.

About the artwork

This drawing is part of the artistic series ''"
Details and dimensions

Original:One-of-a-kind Artwork
Size :21.59 cm x 27.94 cm
Frame: Yes
Ready to Hang: yes



Purchase my button badges to support my art. The design on the button badge features a shield with my most commonly used artist pseudonyms.

About the artwork

Before placing your order, choose which design you prefer.






In the different art classes that I have taught, I have always enjoyed exploring new spaces that help to address social issues. Art should be a tool to bring society together. While the student's artistic process is important, we should not focus solely on training them as artists. Instead, we should help them understand their role in society and encourage their ability to have a positive impact on it. We must encourage them to investigate and learn more about their community, as well as to create new stories that contribute to improving their environment.



Desde las diferentes clases de arte que he dictado, siempre me ha gustado explorar nuevos espacios que ayuden a resolver problemáticas sociales. El arte debe ser una herramienta para unir a la sociedad. Si bien el proceso del estudiante es importante, no debemos enfocarnos únicamente en formar artistas, sino en ayudarles a comprender su rol en la sociedad y fomentar su capacidad para generar un impacto positivo en ella. Debemos incentivarlos a investigar y descubrir más sobre su territorio, así como también a crear nuevas historias que contribuyan a mejorar su entorno.




I create digital art using the programs Illustrator and Photoshop. Often, I mix digital art with comic books and graphic novels. The themes I usually use are science fiction and fantasy.
Visit my digital art portfolio at the following link:



Writing for me is a nice hobby, I'll share a little bit of it.
I write through the social media platform called Wattpad. 
Click on the link to read the stories.
illustrations for children's book 'the day mouse perez arrived in cajicá

Read it here:
The URL address of the virtual publication




Hi there! I've been painting murals since 2017, and since 2020 I've also been teaching a free muralism workshop in Cajicá. My main focus when painting murals is to have a positive impact on the communities where I work.

Murals can be a powerful tool for raising awareness about social issues, beautifying public spaces, and bringing people together in a community. Painting murals can also be a way to empower people and give them a voice to express their ideas and feelings.

I'm excited to continue exploring how I can use my art to have a positive impact on the communities where I work. I love involving the community in the creation of my murals and asking for their ideas and opinions on what they would like to see. I also like to focus on topics that are important to the community, such as inclusion, diversity, and equality.

I'm passionate about painting murals and making a positive difference in the world, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to share my skills and knowledge with others through my teaching.

Check out my muralism portfolio at the following link.





Hi, I'm a photographer with a diverse skillset that includes product photography, portrait photography, and artistic photography. I have a keen eye for detail and a passion for capturing visually striking images that resonate with viewers.

In my work as a product photographer, I excel at showcasing products in their best light. I understand the importance of lighting, composition, and perspective to create images that are visually appealing and communicate the product's features and benefits effectively.

As a portrait photographer, I have a talent for putting my subjects at ease and capturing their unique personality and essence. I use lighting, backgrounds, and props to create a specific mood or look in the final image.

When it comes to artistic photography, I let my creativity run wild. I have a unique vision and style that sets me apart from other photographers. Whether I'm capturing a landscape, a still life, or a portrait, my images are always thought-provoking, emotive, and visually stunning.

Overall, I'm a skilled and versatile photographer who can produce high-quality images across a range of styles and subjects. My passion for photography and dedication to my craft is evident in every image I create.

Check out my photography portfolio at the following link.






I have 10 years of experience in plastic arts, visual arts, and cultural management in both public and private entities. I have excelled in my field thanks to the skills I have acquired through personal experience:

  • Identifying the needs of communities within a territory to develop strategies using artistic and creative means to address them.
  • Ability to work recursively by identifying tools, potential alliances, and existing aids within the same territory.
  • Applying creativity in strategies to address community, educational, and artistic issues.
  • Managing cultural settings through knowledge of resources available in public and private institutions, community instances within territories, and the appropriate processes to engage with them.
  • Demonstrating strong relational skills when establishing links or alliances with multidisciplinary, community, and/or external teams.

Check out my curriculum vitae at the following link.





Combinando la comedia y el territorio, se crea el sarcasmo. Cuando surge el sarcasmo, se produce la “ironía expresiva". Así nace mi obra. En el momento que la creación artística juega con el territorio en el que habita, esta muta en un himno sarcástico, resultado efímero del instante y del lugar. Se convierte en una cápsula de tiempo que de forma burlona expone una narrativa propia.

Mi proceso artístico da importancia  a la responsabilidad social de la creación artística de la imagen. 


By combining comedy and territory, sarcasm is created. When sarcasm emerges, 'expressive irony' takes place. That's how my artwork is born. When artistic creation plays with the territory it inhabits, it transforms into a sarcastic anthem—an ephemeral result of the moment and place. It becomes a time capsule that, in a mocking manner, exposes its own narrative.
My artistic process emphasizes the social responsibility of creating visual art.


Combinando la comedia y el territorio, se crea el sarcasmo. Cuando surge el sarcasmo, se produce la “ironía expresiva". Así nace mi obra. En el momento que la creación artística juega con el territorio en el que habita, esta muta en un himno sarcástico, resultado efímero del instante y del lugar. Se convierte en una cápsula de tiempo que de forma burlona expone una narrativa propia.

Mi proceso artístico da importancia  a la responsabilidad social de la creación artística de la imagen. 


Combinando la comedia y el territorio, se crea el sarcasmo. Cuando surge el sarcasmo, se produce la “ironía expresiva". Así nace mi obra. En el momento que la creación artística juega con el territorio en el que habita, esta muta en un himno sarcástico, resultado efímero del instante y del lugar. Se convierte en una cápsula de tiempo que de forma burlona expone una narrativa propia.


Cuando se unen la comedia y el territorio, se crea el sarcasmo, cuando se crea el sarcasmo, se crea la “ironía expresiva”, así nace mi obra. El empleo de la técnica toma un segundo plano, lo que importa es la expresividad y de igual manera la abstracción de cualquier imagen figurativa, así cada pieza es una insinuación, una invitación. Cuando la creación artística juega con el territorio que habita, se vuelve un sarcasmo, un resultado efímero del momento, del lugar, una cápsula de tiempo que burlonamente expone una narrativa propia y entonces dicha obra, todavía con ansías de nacer en este plano físico es materializada en: pintura,escultura,instación,ensamblaje,fotografía o dibujo.





¡Acompáñanos en nuestro primer Taller Mirlo! ✨

🎨Taller de muralismo presencial y virtual

Para participar e inscribirse pueden escanear el código QR que pueden encontrar en la imagen o ingresar al siguiente link:

Contamos contigo, ¡has parte de esta divertida actividad!

#ColectivoMirlo #Arte #Creatividad #ComunidadCreativa #Murales #Territorio #Taller


Fundado en 2023.nace como iniciativa para los jóvenes,un espacio gratuito dictado a través de alcaldía de cajicá.

🗓️ Todos los jueves | 2:15 a 3:15 a 

📍 #CasaDeLaJuventud

🎟️ Gratis

Estado: Activo hasta 2023 de manera presencial.

Inscripción en el siguiente enlace  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSefzTrdCXZMX3z6uTJlxQaY5lLAw3jO9YtT_GPek2eAR_RbdQ/viewform?usp=sf_link


TALLER DE ESTAMPADO 2020,2021,2022 y 2023 (CERRADO)

Fundado en 2020.nace como iniciativa para los jóvenes,un espacio gratuito dictado a través de alcaldía de cajicá.

🗓️ Todos los viernes | 3:15 a 4:30

📍 #CasaDeLaJuventud

🎟️ Gratis

Estado:Activo hasta 2023 de manera presencial.

Inscríbete en el siguiente enlace  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSefzTrdCXZMX3z6uTJlxQaY5lLAw3jO9YtT_GPek2eAR_RbdQ/viewform?usp=sf_link



Fundado en 2022 nace como iniciativa para los jóvenes,un espacio gratuito dictado a través de alcaldía de cajicá.

🗓️ Todos los viernes , | 02:15 a 3:15

📍 #CasaDeLaJuventud municipio de Cajicá.

🎟️ Gratis

Estado:Activo hasta 2023 de manera presencial.

Inscríbete en el siguiente enlac https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSefzTrdCXZMX3z6uTJlxQaY5lLAw3jO9YtT_GPek2eAR_RbdQ/viewform?usp=sf_link



  Taller de historieta  fundado en 2019 nace como iniciativa para los jóvenes,un espacio gratuito que ya cuenta con una exposición anual de historietas llamada "azul amanera de ver para verTaller de dibujo énfasis en historieta franco belga                                🗓️ Todos los jueves ,  | 02:15 a 3:15          📍 #CasaDeLaJuventud                           🎟️ Gratis                                           Estado:Activo hasta 2023 de manera presencial.Inscríbete en el siguiente enlace  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSefzTrdCXZMX3z6uTJlxQaY5lLAw3jO9YtT_GPek2eAR_RbdQ/viewform?usp=sf_link




El proyecto de la escuela de dibujo CREATON estuvo activo en el año 2018. Consistió en ofrecer clases de garaje a bajo costo a personas que querian ese primer acercamiento con el dibujo artistico,en su mejor momento fueron 20 estudiantes activos que asistian hasta 4 veces por semana a sesiones presenciales de 2 a 3 horas.

Para ver el proyecto siga el link



A book that belongs or once belonged to Ivafhafe's private library is marked with one of the following ex libris stamps:

Ex libris stamp currently in use
Ex libris stamp no longer in use


Community Projects


A multidisciplinary team that organizes free events for communities and paints murals.

Get to know a bit of their work through the following link.

COLECTIVO FANZINE VAGONÓMICO 2019,2020,2021, 2022 Y 2023
A group of artists who create free events for communities related to the topic of fanzines.

Get to know a bit of their work through the following link.

Colectivo Índigo was a transgenerational space with a local artistic and operational focus located in the municipalities of Cajicá and Cachipay. Its main contribution at the territorial level was through muralism

Get to know a bit of their work through the following link.
Chronologically, this collective came to succeed the Undergraff Collective.

Get to know a bit of their work through the following link.

UNDERGRAFF 2017-2018 
For the years 2017 and 2018, I belonged to an art group in which we made murals. Although the group ended, I learned a lot.

Get to know a bit of their work through the following link.